Booking procedure and payment methods
Booking and basket
- How to book online?
- What is the average time to have my booking confirmation ?
- Am I informed that my booking has been taken into account or that my account has been successfully created?
- How can I know if the booking has been confirmed ?
- From what date can I book my activity ?
- Until what date can I book?
- Using the different types of vouchers
- Where to present your voucher?
- Mobile or printable voucher?
- Is it possible to pay online and collect tickets on site ?
- Is it possible to print your “mobile” ticket?
- Can I show the payment summary and booking confirmation email to access my activity?
Booking with a Ceetiz's Partner
- When is the credit card charged?
- Why have I been charged if my booking has still not been confirmed?
- When am I charged for a cart with multiple bookings ?
- What are the payment options available ?
- In which currency am I charged ?
- My payment failed. How can I be sure that I haven't been charged?