When you receive your voucher, click on the link after the QR codes in the "Important" section. Once you've clicked on this link, follow the steps (you'll find the process at the bottom of the article).
Please note that the e-mail address entered (or not entered) during booking is irrelevant to the synchronization. In all cases, customers will be able to log in using their personal address.
/!\ Do not synchronize your customer's pass with your agency e-mail address, as you will then be considered as the pass holder. You will therefore receive the pre-bookings you have made and the information usually intended for your customer.
If you have any problem, please contact City Pass directly at info@citypass.com, quoting the "Confirmation Reference" (on the Ceetiz voucher) and the RE reference (top right of the voucher).
Simply ask for the pass to be synchronized with the customer's e-mail address. A link will be sent and the pass will be automatically synchronized.
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